Thursday, December 20, 2012

Can't Buy A Ticket On The "THRILL RIDE" Of Success!

What does it REALLY take for you to get on the "Thrill Ride" of Success"?

“The first step to getting what you want... is knowing what to do

Most players who dream of playing at a high level misinterpret or... don't really understand... what goals they should have as a player.

Generalized "dream visions" of success are usually defined by things like... higher batting average, more home runs, more strikeouts, lower ERA, etc.

But the majority of time, even if you get these things... you still won’t get to experience the opportunity of playing at a higher level. 

While these "dream visions" are fun... few realize them.

Why? Because you are easily replaceable!

To really give your "dream visions" a chance of becoming reality... you MUST commit to a level of preparation "SECOND TO NONE"!

Want more home runs? Commit to consistently developing more bat speed along with stronger, quicker, more explosive hands and wrists! And... being a more explosive athlete!

Want a higher batting average? Commit to "squaring up" the ball harder and more consistently... along with hitting, hitting and hitting! And... being a more explosive athlete!

Want more strikeouts? A lower ERA? Commit to a consistent long toss program... Along with increasing arm speed, hand speed and consistent mechanics! And... being a more explosive athlete!

“For things to get better... you must get better."

The growth and success of your game is directly related to you consistently working on getting better with more consistent preparation and EXPANDING YOUR PREPARATION CHALLENGES!

Your personal baseball success will be determined by a commitment to a consistent, relentless, "never satisfied" attitude towards your preparation!

Wanna be great? Wanna be admired and respected? Do you really want a shot at making your dreams come true?

If so... then here is your number one goal... and your NEW definition of personal baseball success:


Commit to that goal... and your "dream visions" have a much more realistic chance of becoming true!

You can't buy a ticket on the "Thrill Ride" Of Success! - You Earn It!

 "Anybody can be good in sports for a day... What is hard is being good every day" - Willie Mays

It's FREE!
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