The majority of hitter's instruction at the amateur
levels is focused on the fundamentals of hitting.
Why? Because hitting fundamentals are important to your success!
But... there is so much more to becoming a successful hitter!
To be a successful hitter... a really successful hitter... you need to Study the Pitcher.
All the BEST hitters do!
Some things to look for as you learn to study pitchers:
Along with rhythm, tempo and release point/area of the opposing pitcher... here is a small sample of some other things to train yourself to look for in the pitcher you are facing...
Does the pitcher consistently throw "first pitch fastball?"
Does he live "down and away" or does he work "in and out?"
Does he come "up and in?" When does he come "up and in?" Only when ahead in the count?
What pitch does he "go to" for his "out" pitch?
What does he throw ahead in the count?
What does he throw behind in the count?
Does his pitch selection change when in the stretch?
Does he "toe the rubber" in the same spot all the time?
Prior to his windup, does his wrist/glove angle change?
Is his glove more open than closed on certain pitches?
How about his elbows? Are they always the same or do they extend away from or close up to the body on certain pitches?
Do his hands come over his head on certain pitches and not on others?
Or... do his hands stay below chin/chest/belt level on certain pitches?
Do his hands "sway" to one side or the other on certain pitches?
Does he hold his hands in the same position on all pitches? Or does he hold them higher/lower for a particular pitch?
What about his glove position? Does it turn/angle slightly when in the "hold" position on a certain pitch?
What about the glove? Does it "close up" or "open up" more on certain grips?
How about his elbows? Are they in close to the body for one type of pitch and a little more extended outward for another?
Does he slow down/rush for off speed pitches? Shorten his stride?
His head... Does the pitcher tend to tilt his head for one pitch and not another?
Don't try to remember these all at once. Learn to look for one thing... Then another...
Study the pitchers yourself... Better yet... Do it with your teammates!
It doesn't have to be a grind... Challenge yourself to learn something you didn't know!
Make yourself a better hitter!
Make it FUN!
Remember... to make yourself a dominate hitter, you must learn to always...
Its' FREE!
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